Log Levels

Log Levels

Log levels categorize log messages by their severity, helping you manage the output of logs. Each log level in the Vkrun Logger represents a different degree of urgency or importance of the event being logged.

Available Log Levels

Log LevelSeverityDescription
error (0)CriticalRepresents critical errors that require immediate attention, often indicating severe failures that may lead to application malfunction or downtime.
warn (1)WarningIndicates potentially harmful situations that need to be noted. These messages are less severe than errors but still warrant attention.
info (2)InformationalProvides general information about important events or milestones in the application's lifecycle. Used to track execution flow or significant updates.
http (3)InformationalSpecifically for logging HTTP requests and responses.
verbose (4)DetailedOffers detailed and contextual information useful for debugging and tracing application behavior.
debug (5)DebuggingLogs detailed diagnostic information used primarily for debugging.
silly (6)VerboseCaptures all log messages, including the least critical ones, offering the most detailed output.

Log Level Filtering

When configuring the logger, the level option determines which log messages will be generated.

For example:

  • If you set the logger's level to error, only error level logs will be recorded.
  • If you set the level to debug, it will capture all logs from debug level and higher severity (i.e., debug, verbose, http, info, warn, and error).

This filtering mechanism allows you to control the verbosity of the logs based on your needs, ensuring that only the relevant information is logged according to the selected level.

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